Some Internet resources
Here you find my most visited sites on the WEB
FUNET archives
LUTH archives
Taiwan archives
Netscape Conference home page
OrCad home page
Texas Instruments home page
Infoseek information finder
Lycos information finder
Altavista information finder
- NetAddress: Login : free emai with POP3 retrival and more.
Wery good
- AncientSites Welcomes You!: great rendered pictures of
ancient Rome
- RocketMail - your free web-based e-mail : another free email
- Free Cd-Rom's on the
Internet : you coud find free stuff here, only some are working
- Cosmo Software : here is the cosmo player. You need this to
play VRML based web sites
- Live Guide : what's on TV
- WorldNow Online
- Cherryhill Carnivorous Plants : a carnivorous plant page
- Ultimate Downloads - Free PC Games and
More! : some nice demos of PC games
- Raleigh Community Network: Site Search:
Raleigh NC stuff
- Welcome to RealMedia ! : real player and some nice on-line
tv and radio stations
- :the bigest book store on line. Now they sel
music too
- Auction Warehouse : computer auction.
Not to good, if you want good prices look on internet not to auctions
- FTP search v3.6 : this is a good site if you want to
download a file by FTP and you now a little bit how the file is called. Just tipe the name
and hit the search button
- Filez - Search 75M files and 1000s of servers for freeware,
shareware, & commercial software : software and more
- The Truth And The Light - Music From The
- Welcome to Dave's Video Game Classics
- Multiwave Direct!
... The On-Line Computer SuperStore.
- EG3: Electronic Engineering Net Resources
- 8051 Software
- Directory of /pub/c4x
- On-line SMS Messages - MTN
- RF Micro Devices Home Page
Here you find a list of World Wide Web product Sites
ICs & Semiconductors
Advanced Micro Devices
Advances Risk Machines
Altera Corp
Applyed Microsystems Corp.
Ariel Corp.
Music Semiconductor
NEC Electronics
Newbridge Microsystems
Nohau Corp.
OKI Semiconductors
Orion Instruments
Philips Semiconductors
Programable Logic Performance Corp.
SMC Component Products Divisoin
SPARC International
Silicon Systems
Texas instruments
Toshiba America, Electronic Component Div.
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